Nicolas Dudebout



game-theoretic-learning is a library written in Haskell for studying game-theoretic learning through simulation. This library was first used to illustrate the learnability of empirical-evidence equilibria. It accomodates arbitrary numbers of players by using HLists as variable-length tuples. I coded helper functions for this use case and made them available on Hackage under the name tuple-hlist.


matrix.skeleton is a PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes. To do so, matrix.skeleton correctly aligns groups of nodes with the content of the whole matrix. Furthermore, matrix.skeleton provides rows and columns for easy styling. More information and examples are available in the manual.


When writing LaTeX documents, I reuse as much code as possible. To avoid repeating myself, I packaged useful code. I then use these packages to populate a local texmf tree with Git submodules. My packages include:

The code and the content of this website are available on GitHub. It runs on Yesod and Bootstrap. Most pages are written in Markdown with the exception of the résumé, generated from YAML, and the list of publications from BibTeX.


Emacs configuration split into:

  • init.el: code to install new packages at startup and calls to functions defined in ddb-conf.el
  • ddb-conf.el: actual configuration code organized by modes
  • ddb-interactives.el: interactive functions accumulated over the years

Open-source contributions

I wrote the branches and remotes manager for Magit, a Git client for Emacs, and made contributions to Docker, xmonad, Yesod, hsenv, plot, and Beamer ranging from additions of functionality to documentation updates. I maintain a Docker package for Arch Linux. I also answer questions on Stack Overflow.